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学术报告:Acoustic Meta Materials
2019/3/7 0:00:00

题目:Acoustic Meta Materials

时间:2019年3月13日 9:30-10:30


报告人:Prof. Chris Fuller 

Virginia Tech Samuel Langley Distinguished Professor at the National Institute of Aerospace, a position funded by NASA.  



Acoustic meta materials (AMM) are commonly defined as materials that have properties not readily available in nature. As such AMM show high potential for developing new classes of passive acoustic materials with improved, designable properties such as absorption, transmission loss and diffraction.The designable nature of AMM makes them particularly attractive for use for noise control in industry. To this date work in AMM has focused on research and there is very little development of products, mainly due to scalability and difficulties in bulk manufacturing. In this presentation the concepts and early work in AMM will be reviewed. The analytical developments and application of Transformational Acoustics to designing AMM will be briefly described. Recent work in developing poro-elastic AMM which have potential to be productized will be discussed as well as the use of Transformational Acoustics in designing absorbing materials with solid material matrices. Some new, promising directions in AMM will be briefly outlined.


Prof. Chris R. Fuller finished his B.E. (Hons) and Ph.D. at Adelaide University, Australia in 1974 and 1978  respectively. His Ph.D. topic concerned re-active attenuation of sound in ducts. He then spent three years at the ISVR, University of Southampton, England as a Research Fellow studying coupled vibrations in fluid-filled cylinders. After this Prof. Fuller moved to the U.S. where he worked at NASA Langley Research Center as an NRC Research Associate for two years studying control of aircraft inlet and interior noise. In 1983 he accepted a faculty position at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia where he was from 1996 to 2011 the Roanoke Electric Steel Professor of Mechanical Engineering. In January, 2011 Prof. 


链接: http://me.sjtu.edu.cn/report/12806.html

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