Welcome to the Research Group WebSite of Prof.Weikang Jiang | 中文 |
Dr. Weikang Jiang is a distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU). He is the chair of Technical Committee on Computational Acoustics of the Acoustics Society of China, the vice-chair of the committee of Environmental Acoustics of ASC, the chair of Noise and Vibration Control Committee on of Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering, and the member of China Acoustic Technology Standardization Committee
He received the B.Sc and Ph.D from SJTU in 1982 and 1990 respectively, and M.Sc from Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering in 1987. From 1982 to 1984 he worked in Hudong Shipyard as a marine engineer. From 1990 to 1995 he taught in the Institute of Power Machinery in SJTU as a lecturer, associate professor, deputy director and the managing director respectively. In 1998 he promoted as a professor of the State Key Laboratory of Vibration, Shock and Noise, SJTU. He was the managing director of the Institute of Vibration, Shock & Noise 2017-2023.
Professor Jiang lectured courses for undergraduate students including Mechanical Vibration, Strength of Material, and courses for postgraduate students including Acoustics, Theories of Elasticity and plasticity, Advanced Dynamics, Numeric Computation Methods for Vibrational and Acoustical Problems, etc.
Dr. Jiang was engaged in automobile vibration and ... More>>
1.Methodology of acoustical array measurement: Acoustic imaging of aerodynamic and moving sources, intelligent acoustical signal processing |
2.Identification and reduction of acoustical noise sources: Identification and reduction of acoustical noise sources of machinery such as vehicles, ships, air-crafts, household appliances, etc. |
3.High-performance numerical procedures for acoustic simulation and reconstruction: Fast multi-pole boundary element methods for acoustic problems, isogeometric analysis finite element methods, virtual reconstruction of sound fields |
4.Physiological and psychological effects of noise: Physiological and psychological effects of noise vibration, analysis and control of acoustical and vibrational quality of machinery |
5.Duct Acoustics: Acoustic modal identification and sound source inversion in ducts, new concepts of materials and structures for acoustical absorption and noise reduction in ducts |
Copyright 2013, Homepage of Professor Weikang Jiang, All right reserved. Technical:echao Address: School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai |
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