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WU Haijun  Ph.D.   Associate professor
Enrolled Date  2008-09
Graduated Date  2013-07
Dissertation  Study on Computational Methods
Email  haijun.wu.cn@gmail.com
Company  Inistitute of Vibration, Shock and Noise
University Major
Shanghai Jiao Tong University ME
Hefei University of Technology ME
Professional Experience
2015.09-Now Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Institute of Vibration Noise and Shock, Lecturer 
2013.09-2015.09 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Institute of Vibration Noise and Shock, PostDoc 
Research Interests
1. High Performance Computing of Structure, Fluid and Acoustics  
2. Advanced Theory of Acoustic Radiation Modes and its Applications 
3. Acoustic Inverse Problems and its Applications 
4. Isogeometric Analysis 
Other Professional Activities
Reviewer of : 
1. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 
2. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 
3. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 
4. International Journal of Solids and Structures 
5. Engineering Computation 
6. Wave Motion
Dissertation abstract:
To meet the demand for the computation of large scale acoustic problems, the present
dissertation performs systemic study for free space, multi-domain and half space acoustic
problems based on FMM. New theories and algorithms of the fast multipole boundary
element method are proposed to solve the two bottlenecks, larege memoery and huge
computational complexity, of BEM. The developed methods are applied to predict the
acoustic radiation and structure-acoustic optimization for large scale structure. Those
successful applications demonstrated the super computational capability for large scale
acoustic problems and the potential in the acoustic optimization of developed methods.


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