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2016/11/21 0:00:00

Congress: The 24th International Conference on Sound and Vibration in 2017

Date: 23-27, July, 2017

Host City: London, England

Key Dates:   abstract deadline: 1 Dec, 2016

                    notification of acceptence of abstracts: 25 Feb, 2017

           authors uploading full-length papers:31 Mar, 2017

                         final notification of acceptence of abstracts:1 May, 2017           

           late registration by: 31 May, 2017

           early registration by: 31 Mar, 2017

           early bird registration by: 31 Dec, 2016                                      Congress Homepage:http://www.icsv24.org/index.php?va=viewpage&vaid=366

版权所有:2013年 蒋伟康教授个人主页    联系地址:上海交通大学闵行校区机械动力工程学院A楼820室
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