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姓    名  余亮
入学时间  2015-03
毕业时间  2015-06
电子邮件  liang.yu@sjtu.edu.cn
工作单位  西北工业大学

余亮,上海交通大学机械系统与振动国家重点实验室助理研究员,日本早稻田大学图像处理和机器学习方向硕士(师从鎌田清一郎教授),法国里昂大学声学信号处理博士毕业(师从信号处理国际著名学者、MSSP副主编Jerome Antoni教授和气动声学专家、法国LabEx CeLyA气动噪声阵列测试共同平台实验室主任Quentin Leclere教授),上海交通大学机械系统与振动国家重点实验室阵列信号处理博士后出站。主要的原创代表性理论为传声器阵列的非同步测量理论,为解决传统传声器阵列受到香农奈奎斯特采样定理的个数与孔径的限制提供了非同步序列测量的理论基础。


Jerome Antoni, Liang Yu and Quentin Leclere. Reconstruction of sound quadratic properties from non-synchronous measurements with insufficient or without references: Proof of concept. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 349: 123-149.  

Liang Yu, Jerome Antoni and Quentin Leclere. Spectral matrix completion by cyclic projection and application to sound source reconstruction from non-synchronous measurements. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 372:31 – 49. 

Liang Yu, Jerome Antoni, Quentin Leclere and Weikang Jiang. Acoustical source reconstruction from non-synchronous sequential measurements by Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 408:351-367. 

Liang Yu, Weikang Jiang, Jerome Antoni, Quentin Leclere and Haijun Wu, acoustical beamforming using non-synchronous microphone array measurements, Berlin Beamforming Conference 2018, March 5-6, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. 

Liang Yu, Jerome Antoni, Quentin Leclere, Recovering phase relationships between non-synchronous microphone array measurements, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, 19-21 Sep.2014, Leuven Belgium


版权所有:2013年 蒋伟康教授个人主页    联系地址:上海交通大学闵行校区机械动力工程学院A楼820室
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