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姓    名  张海滨
入学时间  2003-09
毕业时间  2009-03
毕业论文题目  循环平稳声场的非共形面近场声全息理论与实验研究
电子邮件  haibin.zhang@bksv.com
工作单位  广东美的制冷设备有限公司中央研究院

    助理研究员,博士,1979 年1 月出生于浙江新昌,2003 年7 月上海交通大学热能与动力工程本科毕业,2008 年12 月在同校振动、冲击与噪声专业博士研究生毕业。
    主要从事近场声全息理论、噪声信号处理与控制、边界元方法等领域的研究,在Journal of Vibration and Acoustic,ASME Transaction,Acta Acustica United with Acustica,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,物理学报,声学学报等国内外刊物(合作)发表论文16 篇,获得(合作)声源辨识方面发明专利2 项。参与了本课题组前期的两个国家自然科学基金项目,是循环平稳非共形面近场声全息方法与理论的主要完成人。主持中国博士后基金1项(批准号:20100470705);主持国家青年自然科学基金项目1项(批准号:11104182)。

[1] Zhang H.B., Wan Q., Jiang W.K. and Liao C.J., A study on holographic reconstruction of cyclo-stationary sound field based on boundary element method. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME. 2010,132(3): 054501 (EI & SCI检索源)
[2] Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K., Huang Z.Y. and Wan Q., Research on the reconstruction of the vibro-acoustic field generated by the complicated sources using the modified wave superposition algorithm. Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science. 2009, 223(3), 353-361(EI & SCI检索源)
[3] Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K., Wan Q. and Liao C.J. The Application of Wave Superposition Algorithm to Identify Cyclostationary Sound Source. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 2008, 94(5): 649-655(EI & SCI检索源)
[4] Zhang Haibin, Wan Quan, Jiang Weikang. Research on the cyclostationary nearfield acoustic holography based on boundary element method. Chinese Journal of Acoustics(声学学报,英文版), 2009, 28(1): 87-96.
[5] 张海滨,蒋伟康,万泉, HELS法在循环平稳声场全息重建中的理论与实验研究. 物理学报, 2009, 58(1), 333-339(EI & SCI检索源)
[6] 张海滨,蒋伟康,万 泉. 适用于循环平稳声场的基于波叠加法的近场声全息技术. 物理学报,2008,57(1):313-321(EI & SCI检索源)
[7] 张海滨,蒋伟康,万 泉. 基于边界元法的循环平稳近场声全息理论研究. 声学学报,2008, 33(3): 231-237(EI检索源)
[8] 张海滨,蒋伟康,薛玮飞,廖长江. 基于HELS法的多源相干声场重建研究. 振动与冲击,2008,27(1): 93-96(EI检索源)
[9] 张海滨,万泉,蒋伟康, 城市高架轨道交通噪声辐射预测与实验研究. 振动与冲击,2009,28(11), 21-24(EI 检索源)
[10] 张海滨,万泉,蒋伟康, 压缩机噪声的跟踪采样近场声全息实验研究. 振动与冲击,2010,29(11)(EI 检索源)
[11] 张海滨,万泉,蒋伟康, 城市轨道列车噪声辐射特性的试验研究. 振动与冲击,2010,29(11)(EI 检索源)
[12] Wan Q., Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K., The research about the multi-freedom degree reciprocity principle for diffuse sound field based on the sound pressure field description. Chinese Journal of Acoustics(声学学报,英文版), 2010, 29(3), 242-256
[13] 万泉,张海滨,蒋伟康,基于声压场描述的扩散声场多自由度互易原理研究,声学学报,2009,34(5),445-452(EI 检索源)
[14] 万泉,张海滨,蒋伟康,一种预测扩散声场在非规则形状刚性壁面附近干涉图样的方法,声学学报,2010,35(5),571-579(EI 检索源)
[15] Huang Z.Y., Jiang W.K., Zhang H.B. et al. An effective experimental method for identifying radiated noise of different angular ranges for the rolling-piston compressor. Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mechanical Engineering Science. 2008, 222(12), 2409-2417(EI & SCI检索源)
[16] 蒋伟康,万泉,严莉,张海滨,贺建良,轨道交通的约束阻尼钢轨吸振器技术研究与应用,振动与冲击,2009,28(10), 78-80 (EI 检索源)

[17] Zhang H.B., Wu H.J., Jiang W.K., Procedures of the Nearfield Acoustic Holography Based on the Inverse Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method. INTER-NOISE, 2011, Osaka, Japan
[18] Zhang H.B., Wan Q., Jiang W.K., Comparative research on imaging the planar patch acoustic field based on the least square method. The 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-17, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
[19] Wan Quan, Zhang Haibin, Jiang Weikang The research about the BEM-SEA based hybrid model for the sound field radiated by the sound source in a large room, The 17th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-17, Cairo, Egypt, 2010
[20] Jiang Weikang, Yan Xiaojie, Zhang Haibin, Some theoretical and experimental study of microphone array techniques for urban railway transit, INTER-NOISE 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010
[21] 蒋伟康,张海滨,万泉, 家电产品的噪声源辨识技术及其应用. 2010年国际制冷技术交流会,珠海,中国,2010
[22] Zhang Haibin, Jiang Weikang, Wan Quan, Theoretical and experimental study on holographic reconstruction of cyclostationary sound field. INTER-NOISE 2009, Ottawa, Canada, 2009
[23] Jiang Weikang, Zhang Haibin, Zhang Mingfa, Nearfield acoustic holography for identifying cyclostationary sound sources with complicated profile, The 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV-16, Krakow, Poland, 2009
[24] Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K., Wan Q. and Huang Z.Y. Holographic Reconstruction of the Vibro-Acoustic Field of a Rolling Piston Compressor by the Tracking Sampling Method. INTER-NOISE, 2008, Shanghai, China
[25] Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K. and Wan Q. Research on the theories of BEM based cyclo- stationary near field acoustic holography. 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 2007, Cairns, Australia
[26] Zhang H.B., Jiang W.K. and Wan Q. A study on near field acoustic holography based on wave superposition algorithm for cyclostationary acoustic fields. INTER-NOISE, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey

[1]. 蒋伟康,张海滨,万泉,采用边界元法辨识循环平稳声源特性的方法,专利号:ZL200810036142.8
[2]. 蒋伟康,张海滨,万泉,采用球面波叠加重建循环平稳声源的方法,专利号:ZL200810036141.3

[1]. 2012-2014, 国家青年自然科学基金:非平稳任意外形声源辐射声场的时域近场声全息方法研究,(No. 11104182),主持人
[2]. 2010-2010, 中国博士后基金:复杂外形非平稳声源的实时近场声全息方法研究 (No. 20100470705),主持人
[3]. 2007-2009, 国家自然科学基金:循环平稳声场的非共形面近场声全息理论与实验研究 (No. 10674096),主要完成人

[4]. 2010-2012, 国家青年自然科学基金:混响环境中的BEM-SEA混合近场声全息方法研究 (No. 50905106),重要参与人
[5]. 2007-2010, 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划):基于声成像的小型旋转机械故障诊断方法 (No. 2007AA04Z416),重要参与人


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